Thursday, May 12, 2005

Next quarter, and playing with the camera.

This is my last quarter in welding class...after about a year and a half, I'll now have a diploma in "Welding and Metal Joining Technologies", but, I've still got some G.I. Bill money left to last night I signed up for Machine Tool other words, machinist. I won't have enough G.I. Bill to get me to the end, but HOPE scholarship will pay the tuition all the way through, so what the heck. It is definitely something that is worth knowing how to do, especially with Pratt & Whittney down the road, and the new Heckler & Koch plant being built in Columbus. The instructor said right up front, "If you've got a part that needs to be made, we'll do it right here". Now he is speaking my language!

In other news, I'm always taking pictures to post on the various firearm websites that I frequent, so I thought it was about time I took out the book for my camera and started learning the little tricks that nobody ever uses. These pictures I'm posting are guns ya'll have already seen, but taken in full manual mode, manual focus, aperture priority. Lighting is still kicking my ass, so I did these outside...natural light is much easier to work with. I did touch these up a little with Photoshop, just to get rid of specs on my background. Anyone that can offer some photography criticism, let 'er rip. I'm open to suggestions.



Anonymous said...

From the standpoint of my job, there is a way to test what you'll see as a result of your efforts.  We have a calibration image, and I can send you a 4x5 of it, and guide you to the image online.  You need to pull the online version into photoshop and make it look like the 4x5.  That way, you will know that the image you see on your screen will look as good when it's printed...BY MY LAB.  Callibration with my lab means nothing for pictures printed at WalMart, Osco, or another lab.  It's all determined by the color setup of the lab that prints the final image.  Let me know if you want that print.

Anonymous said...

Wait, maybe color isn't what you're worried about.  That will only help with color/density.  If you're worried about exposure, you'll need further help that I can offer, but I can lead you *there*, too!  Lots of answers in PDF form from the classes that we offer.

Anonymous said...

They look good to me. Wtg on school!