Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Another one in the safe.


Well, I finally was able to catch my transfer guy in his store and picked up this little gem, a Hecker and Koch USP45 Compact. I have yet to shoot it, but can't hardly wait. Now my USP9 has a playmate. One of these days I'm going to get this camera figured out. This picture was taken with a home-made light tent (white sheet), using some big halogen outdoor lights to light it up. I took several, but still had to adjust the color for some reason. I think the halogen bulbs must through a hint of tint into the picture.


Anonymous said...

The halogen bulb does not shed a natural light.
Nice piece!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!  Another jewel.  Bringin' it to the reunion?

Anonymous said...

You bring that and I'll buy a box of shells to run through it. Looks good.

Anonymous said...

This one is for sure coming with me to the soon as I get a couple hundred rounds through it to ensure reliability it will be my every day carry gun.