Friday, June 3, 2005

Quickie entry..

Well, mom is wondering if they are going to get any rain, and I'm rained out! It has rained everyday since Sunday, and it is supposed to continue. My tomatoes are loving it, but I'm tired of working in it. Also, I worry about the sweet corn because it is the one thing I like to eat, but it doesn't like to much rain. We shall see....

I've only got 4 jobs tommorow, so I think I'll head out early and get them knocked out...that is as long as the PM people are home in the morning. Usually on Saturdays folks are happy for you to show up early so they can get on with their weekend.

It is getting close to vacation time for us...time to head north for a week or so. At the rate I've been going, just having a few days off will be nice. My bro-in-law has got some "loot" waiting for me up there, and I can finally shoot a bit without all the planning that is involved to shoot here at home....where to go, when to go, etc. At dads, you just head off over the hill and let some lead fly. I've not figured out how I'm financing all the diesel fuel needed to get there, but I've been told by the boss not to worry about it, so I won't. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not the one trying to balance our checkbook when I'm pretty sure I'm making less than we are spending. I'll be happy to get back to work in my own area where I can get my side-jobs going again. I've got voice mails stacking up that all think they are priorities, but haven't been around to tend to them.

All in all, things are normal as can be.....


Anonymous said...

Well, let the women folk worry about the funds.  I've often forced Kevin on trips that we "couldn't afford" and found that it was the best time ever.  Come on up in July, have a great time, and pay the piper later!  woooohoooo!  Here's to living dangerously.

Anonymous said...

We're getting rain!  It has rained all night long, as far as I can tell.  I'm anxious for it to let up long enough to go look at the rain guage.

Anonymous said...

Yea my tomatoes are jumping like weeds. I am glad they do not have tomatos on them yet though! Nothing wose than a watery no flavor tomato. Yep corn needs sunshine! What kind of corn? I have silver queen.