I spent the better part of my day around Perry and Warner Robbins. When I left it was completely clear and sunny and was that way all morning. I arrived at a job around 11:30 and while I was wrapping it up, I heard thunder. Me and the old man who lived there looked at one another as if to say, "Here it comes again." I got the first picture as I left his driveway.
While heading off from there I seen a guy jump out of a big John Deere, look at the sky, and head for his pickup. Whatever he had planned, it would have to wait 'til after the storm.
About 20 minutes later is when it all let loose...you can tell from the picture that these are not just minor showers.
I was late to school, and found out when I arrived it was finals night! I'm sorta happy to have this quarter winding down. I graduate from the welding program this quarter, and just in time...I'm ready for something new. The machine shop will be my new hang-out starting next quarter.
I love these pictures! Keep it up.
I love the pics to go along with your story. They really make a difference.
Know what, brother of mine? You're a damn fine journaler. Enough info to be interesting, not so long as to be boring, and you tell a good tale.
I agree with your sister. Thank you for writing.
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