Monday, April 11, 2005

Broken DSL! The horror....

Well, I didn't realize how long it had been since I made an entry here. The past week has been pretty hectic with school starting back up and the Macon locals rolling out. Deb has been working until at least seven, usually nine every night. So Friday evening we are sitting at our computers, listening to Opie and Anthony (Funny stuff, let me tell you) when everything just comes to a halt. My surfing, Deb's card playing, and the webcast audio of my new favorite talk show. I figure it is a problem with our local phone company, and it is 11 at night, so what the it a night, they'll fix it in the morning.

So Saturday arrives....there was a big drag race in Reynolds, so I only had time to check it right quick. Still out. No biggie. Spent the day checking out the car show, swap meet, and some good all Ford drag racing....because after all...who wants to look at a damn Chevy anyway? Oh, yeah...uncle Don..but that is about it. And I figure the only reason he does is either a head injury none of us know about, or because it makes for some good arguments when he talks to folks with enough common sense to buy Fords. Anyway, I didn't get home until 6p.m. and there was still no internet! This is getting serious.

We have a true privately owned phone company in this little town, and I figured my chances would be pretty slim of getting any tech support on a Saturday night...wrong I was. Evidently whomever contracts the DSL has that covered. After having me change a bunch of settings that I knew wouldn't fix the problem, the tech support guy concedes that my modem is dead. Being hard headed, I didn't even hook up a phone line to dial on with AOL until last night, and that was to check out a tractor for dad. Man, I remember when getting on at 56k seemed pretty doggone fast.

So here I sit. Monday morning, waiting on Bruce, the phone guy, to drop me off a modem. The cool part is that even though I haven't talked to them yet, I know I'll be his first stop when he hits the rode this morning. The phone company folks all know I actually use this thing for work sometimes, and I'm sure our total logged on hours are way beyond anyone else in town. They tend to take care of us when a problem arises. To me, having a locally owned phone company is pretty cool...and this is only the second time in the year that we've had DSL that is has had a problem.

And besides, things could be worse...for the first two years we lived out here, a 28.8 connection was as fast as it got.


Anonymous said...

Your Grandma Wood said that when Don was born the doctor laid him on an ironing board (sounds like a stupid place to lay a newborn, but who am I to judge) and anyhow, he fell off.  She told this for the truth, so maybe THAT'S why he has Chevys on the brain.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you let your Mama read a bad word!!!(Chevy) DSL sounds like heaven. I have a 56K modem whopee! I get connected at 28.8 and on rare occasions 31.2 No chance of anything faster for years.

Anonymous said...

A whole weekend with a dead modem?  THE HORROR!  I am on this thing so much, I freaked pretty hard when our modem crapped out, and we were still connected most of the time, just slowly.

Oh yeah, and Go Ford!