Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday dirt work.

Sunday dirt work.

Once again I didn't take any before pictures, so you get an "in progress" video instead. Deb did a good narration job explaining the whole operation, so I'll leave that to her.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that "work in process" video.  Blessings to you and your family, Penny

Anonymous said...

Your yard doesn't look so small to me, for a town yard.

Anonymous said...

It was a little hard to hear her, over the tractor, but does that disk/tiller attachment turn into a blade?  That would be so awesome!  I may be interpreting it wrong, though.  Also, Monkey is so friggin' cute.  I can't wait to see her again, but I'll have to wait, until July, anyway.  Another thing I didn't this for a garden?  We're covered in ice, and you're in short sleeves, preparing for a garden.  No.  I'm not jealous.  Nevermind.  Hmmph!