Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My 12 second pass.
You might say I'm pretty proud and happy about this'd be right.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Another toy back from re-finishing.

This one is familiar to Kevin and dad. I bought it on the way north in July for a good deal, but the idiot before me had let it sit and rust in places. I sent if off two months ago to get refinished in hard chrome, a process dad is familiar with as I believe he used to work at a place that did this procedure. It finally arrived back home today. I came out great and there is hardly any sign that the pistol had been neglected. The only way I could afford this one is getting a fixer upper because you don't want to know how much one in good condition goes for. (Over $1400)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Latest toy

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Not quite as scary now.
Mega changes around here job wise, though things are still going pretty normal around the base camp. I think Deb worried quite a bit, and probably still is worrying, but is hiding it well. I just keep saying "I feel so alive" because the shake up has got me liking this line of work again. The old company had turned a job I once loved into just a regular job. Now I'm running things, so if it's not fun it's my fault.
Lyndsay is doing well in school, though needs to work on her handwriting a bit. I went with her to open house yesterday and was able to compare to the other students in her class and talk to her teacher. That is the only problem the teacher had, so we are working on it. She writes a lot on her own, mostly songs, and the teacher thinks it will work itself out in the long run.
It's the nicest time of year down here and we are enjoying the 60's at night, 80's during the day. I've been able to get a few bike rides in lately too, though I really don't have to stop riding here for very long during the winter.
I'll have some gun porn to post soon as I'm building an AR-15 and my little HK is off getting hard chromed to get rid of the rust damage the last idiot inflicted on it.
We are back on Atkins and I've lost 13 lbs. already. I started back to the gym today, but then got pretty damn sick this afternoon. Deb had the same sickness over the weekend, and I don't know what it is but it seems to move on pretty fast. I'm doing a helluva lot better right now than I was a few hours ago.
Ok, enough. Will type more another day.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Scary times ahead.
Well, I'll start by saying we had a pretty great weekend spent in Perry, GA with a bunch of car club friends, in what amounts to an air conditioned airplane hanger full of cars. We started off Friday with night of drag racing, then all day Saturday was the car show. LOTS of fun. I won a door prize worth about $700 in billet aluminum dress up goodies for the interior of our car.
Now the not fun. From the looks of things the company I've been employed with for the past 8 years has been taken over by DirecTV. On Friday there was a conference call that only higher ups were on, and shortly afterward we were called explaining that hiring packets with applications had been Fedex'ed out and if we still wanted a job we'll show up Monday morning at 6:30am to talk to the DTV hiring person to apply for a job. The pay is supposably "comparable". I think my team will keep their jobs, but I'm not real sure about middle management....namely me....and Al. So basically the last 8 years has been a waste as far as working toward retirement, or anything else for that matter.
I don't believe this was something the company was trying to do, but was forced. We were employee owned, so I'm not really sure how they did it without leaving themselves open to lawsuit. Oh, and I had right at $100k in stock options that according to the paperwork I was faxed is in jepardy. The old company is talking to, get this, "outside experts" on what to do about ESOP holders.
Lucky I have that nest egg to get us through these hard times....NOT.
Yeah, this could get ugly real quick.
Kathy, if you happen to read this, I'm not sure if I've got a check coming in the next few weeks. I'd rather stay out of jail during this "transition". From my computations I'm nearly done, but contact me before you call the state or anything, just so I know it's coming.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back to Geocaching.
It's been a while since I've hit the woods, so I thought I'd return from Montgomery today through Tuskegee National Forest. I didn't find the cache, but found this cool firetower.